Soldering Class: Oct 7 @ 6 PM at All Saints

Our Sixth Hands-on Radio event will be held on October 7th, at All Saints STEAM Academy (915 W Main Rd, Middletown, RI 02842) beginning at 6:00 PM (helpers asked to arrive at 5:45 PM).

Paul K1YBE will be leading a class on soldering & de-soldering skills, followed by the assembly of an small attenuator board to be used for Radio Direction Finding (RDF – Fox Hunting).  The soldering class should take about 30 minutes and assembly of the attenuator should take about 90 minutes.

Fox Hunt Offset Attenuator – 3rd Planet Solar / KC9ON

There is no fee for the soldering class, but there is a $5 fee to cover the cost of the attenuator (it sells for $8 plus shipping).

Bringing personal soldering equipment (iron, pliers, solder, desoldering equipment (wick or suction) will allow learning on your equipment.
Soldering stations will be provided for those not bringing equipment and to provide experience with various tools.

To help us plan, please register by filling in this short form

Maine Island Activations Sept 15-17

**** UPDATE Monday Sept 16 @ 1935 UTC ****

With a long drive ahead of them, and pooped from the six activations of the past two days, the crew decided to call it quits today.  Thanks to everyone who helped them activate the islands on their adventure!

Pomham Rocks Lighthouse was along as a mascot for this activation trip. Cloudy morning prior to departing Cundy’s Harbor (Photo by Willy W1LY)


**** UPDATE Monday Sept 16 @ 1935 UTC ****

They had success with all three islands today, and should be back for more tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

No activation in Maine would be complete without lobsta’s! (Left to right: Willy W1LY, Bonnie Knapp, John KiJSM, Pete W1LAB


**** UPDATE Monday Sept 16 @ 1750 UTC ****

They are  on Center Island 14.280 MHz

On Center Island

Small weather station on Center Island with the boat in the background.


**** UPDATE Monday Sept 16 @ 1730 UTC ****

The gang officially activated Little Snow Island, which is now ME-128S.  They are packing up and heading off to Center island, ME-127


**** UPDATE Monday Sept 16 @ 1700 UTC ****

They are on the air, 14.271, from Little Snow Island  ME-128

Finishing setup on Little Snow Island Maine

**** UPDATE Monday Sept 16 @ 1630 UTC ****

The crew completed the activation of Bear Island, so it is officially ME-116S.

They are underway to Little Snow Island ME-128.  On air about 16:45 UTC


**** UPDATE Monday Sept 16 @ 1525 UTC ****

Have moved to 7.260 +/- on Bear Island Maine ME-116

Pete W1LAB keeping watch for bear on Bear Island Maine

Willy W1LY discovers that old saying “You don’t have to be faster than the bear, just faster than the slowest guy.” Looks lonely, was there a bear?

Willy W1LY aft, John K1JSM logging, and Pete W1LAB on the air

L to R: Pete W1LAB, John K1JSM, Willy W1LY & Becky on the ramp!


**** UPDATE Monday Sept 16 @ 1425 UTC ****

They are on Bear Island making contacts 14.260 MHz  US Islands ME-116


**** UPDATE Monday Sept 16 @ 1425 UTC ****

It was a long slog out to Bear Island.  They are accessing landing spots and will be ashore soon.  Expect initial operation 14.260 MHz (both 20 and 40 seem pretty dead from RI).  On air between 1445 and 1500 UTC.


**** UPDATE Monday Sept 16 @ 1330 UTC ****

Pete, John and Willy are on their way to Bear Island ME-116 this morning.  Expect them to be on the air about 1400 UTC.  They should be back to their usual frequencies 7.265/14.265 +/- QRM

Traditional breakfast of Eggs Benedict (with lobster) prior to a long day of activating islands! (Left to Right: Pete W1LAB, Willy W1LY, and John K1JSM – Photo by Marshall)


**** UPDATE Sunday Sept 15 @ 1800 UTC ****

Headed back to the dock for today.  Congratulations on 3 successful activations today.  More tomorrow.  Expect first island (TBD) to be on the air about 1400 UTC


**** UPDATE Sunday Sept 15 @ 1800 UTC ****

Now on 7.263 MHz


*** UPDATE Sunday Sept 15 @ 1800 UTC ****

Now on Malaga Island, ME-129 . 14.328 MHz

Now on Malaga Island


**** UPDATE Sunday Sept 15 @ 1720 UTC ****

They officially activated Yarmouth, now ME-121S, and are in route to Malaga, ME-129


**** UPDATE Sunday Sept 15 @ 1555 UTC ****

Now on 14.328 MHz

A closer view of the landing craft — lots of happy people (L to R: Bonny, Pete, John, Nat, and Willy – Photo by Marshall)

**** UPDATE Sunday Sept 15 @ 1555 UTC ****

They are now activating Yarmouth Island ME-121.  On 7.263 MHz

Marshall had to scramble to get this photo of the crew on Yarmouth Island

Back on the air, Yarmouth Island ME-121. John K1JSM on computer, Willy W1LY on raadio


**** UPDATE Sunday Sept 15 @ 1520 UTC ****

The Crew is back underway with the replacement radio on board.  They expect to make Yarmouth Island in about 30 minutes and be on the air by about 1600 UTC (local noon).


**** UPDATE Sunday Sept 15 @ 1435 UTC ****

The Raspberry Island Activation was successful, it is now ME-130S.  Just in time, because their rig failed!  Good news is they have a spare.  Bad news is it is back at the dock in Cundy’s Harbor, so they are motoring back.  They will return later for their next activation on Yarmouth Island ME-121.  Stay tuned!!


**** UPDATE Sunday Sept 15 @ 1400 UTC ****

The 1st activation is underway – Raspberry Island ME130.  They are on 7.247 MHz.

On Air, Raspberry Island Maine – Marshall on left, John & Willy at radio, Becky guarding the ramp.

Landing craft ramp sitting on Raspberry Island ME-130 John K1JSM on left, Willy W1LY on right. (Pete W1LAB taking photo)

Boat with ramp down on Raspberry Island. Antenna to the right.  From left to right: Bonnie Knapp, John K1JSM, Willy W1LY, Pete W1LAB, Nat Pulsifer (Photo by Marshall Lawson)

Marshal on left, Willy raising antenna in the center, Nate Pulsifer on right.

Activation Crew underway! What a glorious day to be on the water in Maine! John K1JSM seated, Bonnie Knapp seated, Willy W1LY standing.  Raspberry Island dead ahead!





Da Boys in Da Boat (Lovingly referred to by Jim KA3UNQ) are at it again, this time in Maine.  They will be activating a series of islands in Cumberland County, not far from Cundy’s Harbor, where they are staying.  The proposed islands are:

  • Bear Island ME116
  • Bushy Island ME126
  • Center Island ME127
  • Little Snow I. ME128
  • Malaga Island ME129
  • Merrit Island ME117
  • Pole Island ME118
  • Ragged Island ME119
  • Raspberry Island ME130
  • Yarmouth Island ME121

As usual these islands have never been activated before.  Only three operators this time; Pete W1LAB, John K1SJM, and Willy W1LY.  The islands selected each day of the activation will be highly dependent on weather, tide levels and landing conditions.  They have actually hired a landing craft to use this time that has a ramp in the front, but rocky shores may prevent that from being viable.

Their usual operating frequencies are 14.265 or 7.265 MHz +/- QRM, and as always they will be using the callsign W1SYE.  Check the spotting networks for that call, and please spot them if you work them.

The operating schedule is currently unknown, but usually their first activation happens around 10 AM EDT (1400 UTC).

Check back here, at this post, for operating updates.

Moonrise over Cundy’s Harbor, Maine (Photo by Pete W1LAB)



Meeting Reminder: Monday Sept 9, 7 PM @ KVH

Just a quick reminder that our next club meeting is Monday September 9th at 7 PM at KVH.

Following a quick business meeting, one of our newest members, Dr. Adria Updike, KC1LOK, a faculty member at Roger Williams, along with her student Jenna Lowe, will give a presentation on a high-altitude balloon experiment that they conducted this summer.  Adria was quick to apply her new ham radio skills as the balloon used APRS for tracking.

Hope to see everyone on Monday at 7 PM

Lighthouse and Island Activation Underway

*** UPDATE 16:00 UTC ***

Still on Pomham Rocks & Pomham Light, but have moved to 14.265 MHz

Using clandestine photo techniques, Evan captured this rare photo of Pete W1LAB on the air!


*** UPDATE 15:20 UTC ***

The crew is on Pomham Rocks (RI-037), home of the Pomham Lighthouse USA-643.  Work them on 7.265 MHz

Willy W1LY on mic with lighthouse in the background USA 643 (Pomham Light)

John K1JSM, Willy W1LY, and Jim KZ1ZOU at Pomham Light


Rare sighting of Pete W1LAB (of course taking a photo kneeling in light blue shirt) — Thanks to Evan for photo!


*** UPDATE 14:55 UTC ***

The crew is now on Pomham Rocks, the physical location of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse ARLHS USA-643.  Pomham Rocks will be RI-037 when qualified.

Evan & Willy looking for a location for the station on Pomham Rocks. Lighthouse looking fine!


*** UPDATE 14:11 UTC ***

Ruth Island is officially RI-038S, congratulations for a successful activation!  They are still on the air, 7.265 MHz and are activating Pomham Rocks Lighthouse ARLHS USA-643.


*** UPDATE 13:30 UTC ***

The guys are on Ruth Island (RI-038) and are on 7.265  ARLHS USA-643.

On the Air!

Setting up: Willy W1LY, John K1JSM, Mike AC1DW, Evan K1GEA

RIB TURMOIL, and Antenna on Ruth Island

Photos by Pete W1LAB


The Boys in D’a Boat are underway…

First stop is Ruth Island: RI-038, which is just to the east of Pomham Rocks/Lighthouse (RI-039 & USA-643).

Expect them on the air near 13:30 UTC on Ruth, near 14.260 and 7.260 MHz