No More Thursday Breakfast for now…

Everybody, please be aware that ALL restaurants in RI have been shut down (except for carryout service).  We will NOT be meeting for Thursday breakfast until the situation changes later this year.

Don’t forget we have nets M-F on W1SYE VHF Repeater, as well as Wednesday nights at 7:30 PM on 3.9 MHz SSB.

Technician Class & General/Extra Study Starts April 21st

I’m happy to report that we have scheduled our next Technician Class to begin at 5:30 PM on Tuesday April 21st at St Lucy’s Church (909 W Main Rd, Middletown, RI 02842).  Classes will run from 5:30 PM until approximately 8:00 PM on six consecutive Tuesdays.  We will have the exam on June 2nd, same time and place.  There is a $10 fee for the student manual, if you need one (we use the Gordon West Technician book), and a $15 fee for the exam.

You can use the following link to register for the class:

The General/Extra Study Group will begin at the same time, and you can contact Paul Fredette

Meeting Reminder: Monday March 9 2020 at 7:00 PM

Our regular NCRC business meeting will be held at KVH Manufacturing (75 Enterprise DR, Middletown) at 7 PM.  Following a short business meeting, we will be showing a 25 minute video that was presented at the Dayton Hamfest in 2015 on the Navassa Island DXpedition, an event that was more years in the making than the Apollo program.

Don’t forget that 2020 Dues are due.  You can pay by cash or check at Monday’s meeting, or you can pay online by going to the “Pay Dues or Donate” tab on the website.

Monday Meeting Feb 10, 7 PM, at KVH

Our regular club meeting is Monday February 10th at KVH.  It starts at 7 PM.  After a brief business meeting, which includes results for Winter Field Day as well as the January Island Activations, there will be a presentation on the performance of the VHF direction finding antennas (tape measure antennas) assembled at the last Hand’s on Radio event.

Members are reminded to please use the “Pay Dues” tab to pay their 2020 dues, if they already haven’t done so.