DSTAR Repeater Back up BUT…

Thanks to the efforts of Ted, W1GRI, and Pete, W1LAB, who made yet another trip to the DSTAR repeater, it is now back on the air, linked to Reflector 69 Charlie, and it is working fine.  However we are moving forward with software upgrades that will allow us to link to additional resources, called DCS and XRF Reflectors, plus CCS callsign routing that can be accomplished with touch-tones (rather than UR, RPT1, RPT2 changes).

Don’t be surprised if the repeater is up or down randomly over the next week or so as those upgrades are being installed.

More DSTAR Upgrades

Ted, W1GRI, and Bob, WB4SON, went back to the repeater again.  Their goal was to install the newly cloned HDD into the PC to verify that it works, leaving a valid spare HDD. In addition, Ted had purchased a rack mounted VGA monitor/keyboard/trackpad.  That allowed us to remove the old monochrome CRT which was out of alignment and too small to read.  It also eliminates the problem of having no place to put the keypad and mouse.

While the repeater is back up on the air, the internet connection is not.  That is being investigated and will be fixed by Sept 22 or earlier.


NCRC Meeting Reminder: Monday Sept 12 @ 7 PM

NCRC will be having its regular meeting on September 12 at 7 PM at KVH.

After a brief business meeting, including voting on 3 member applicants, Jeff Greer, our host, will be giving a presentation on SpaceX. Jeff was an invited guest at a Falcon 9 launch several months ago, which is mostly what he will focus on, but he will also discuss the most recent explosion on the pad.

Also, keep in mind that the Columbus Day holiday falls on our usual Monday meeting date next month, so the October meeting will be on Tuesday October 11th.

Spectacle Island Now On Air

UPDATE:  As of 14:28 UTC the crew is on the air as W1SYE on 7.236 MHz. The crew has arrived on Spectacle Island and are setting up.  Expect them on 7.236 by 14:25 or so.  They will QSY to 14.260 around 15:30 UTC.  When officially activated this will be RI028s.


John, K1JSM, at the helm (photo by Evan, K1GEA), Jim, Ka1ZOU and Pete, W1LAB on the other boat

Pretty cushy conditions for this activation!

Pretty cushy conditions for this activation!  Nice to have a dock on the island.

Crew today is:

  • John, K1JSM
  • Pete, W1LAB
  • Jim, KA1ZOU
  • Evan, K1GEA
Evan, Jim and John setting up the tent.

Evan, Jim and John setting up the tent.

Evan laying down the seawater ground connection device

Evan laying down the seawater ground connection device


On The Air!!! Jim logging, and John at the mic.