W1SYE Repeater Off Air for Upgrades

Effective Wednesday March 8, the W1SYE 145.45 repeater has been taken off the air.  It should return to service by the end of April.  When it is back on the air, everything will be new with the exception of the hardline, which was replaced about 3 years ago.

The Passing of Charlie Greene’s Wife

We regret to inform club members that Charlie Greene’s wife, Joan, passed away after a prolonged illness on Thursday Feb. 16.  She is survived by Charlie, her son Jonathan, and daughter Erica Medley.

Her funeral will be held Wednesday Feb. 22, 2017 at 8:30am from the Smith Funeral and Memorial Services, 8 Schoolhouse Road , Warren, followed by a mass of Christian Burial at 10:00am in St. Mary of the Bay Church, 645 Main Street, Warren.  Calling hours are Wednesday Morning from 8:30-9:30 AM.

You can see her obituary here.


Help ASA With School Club Roundup

6th grader Breena talking to ham radio operator Lou in Florida on Monday and now wants to earn her license.

N1ASA, All Saint’s Academy in Middletown, requests the favor of a contact with them this Thursday and/or Friday between 4 and 5 PM to help them with their “School Club Roundup”

Students will be listening to 146.550 MHz simplex and mapping all the towns they contact using their 2 meter station.

You can also contact them Thursday/Friday between 1:30 PM and 5:15 PM on 40 meter or 20 meter voice/PSK.

23 ASA students are currently enrolled in a Ham Radio class and hopefully will be licensed by mid June.  The School Club Roundup contest is a great incentive for them to continue their hard work.