Algonquin ARC Ham Radio Flee Market

The Algonquin Amateur Radio Club of Marlborough MA is holding its annual Ham Radio flea market on Saturday, February 14, 2015. VEC licensing exams will also be available, starting at 9:00 AM.

The market will held at the 1LT Charles W. Whitcomb Middle School (25 Union St, Marlborough MA), located within about two miles of the intersection of I-290 and I-495.

Doors open at 6:30 AM for vendor setup and 9:00 AM for buyers. We have alternate/overflow parking at the nearby Marlborough High School with a bus running between parking lots and the flea entrance.

General admission is $5.  Vendor tables may be purchased in advance for $15 (before Feb 6 or $20 at the door) and include admission for one.

Details and a flyer with a vendor reservation form are available through our web page: (aka.

Further queries can be sent to:

Congratulations New Hams

Tonight marks the final step for six new Technicians who took our classes, passed their exam, and have received a pre-programmed dual-band HT during a class that introduced them to basic radio procedures, net operations, and HT programming/operations.

Please welcome our newest members of NCRC:

KC1CVY – Pete
KC1CVZ – Kathryn
KC1CWA – Harry
KC1CWB – Frank
KC1CWQ – Jason
KC1CWX – Forrest

Our next Technician Class is planned for downtown Newport beginning the end of March, 2015.

OSECA Net a Rousing Success!

The OSECA net debuted this past Tuesday, December 2, at 1900 local time on the KA1RCI Network.  By any definition, it was a rousing success, with 32 check-ins in just over an hour.  John King, WA1ABI, had the honor of being the first Net Control station.

OSECA stands for Ocean State Emergency Communion Alliance.  It was formed with a goal of providing a forum for those hams involved in EmComm throughout the state.  Representatives from multiple EMAs checked in (Providence, Coventry, No. Smithfield, Wakefield, Narragansett, Westerly, and Portsmouth, to name a few), as well as other served agencies and non-emergency public service groups.

The OSECA net is held on the FIRST and THIRD Tuesday of each month at 1900 local time on the KA1RCI Network.  Despite its focus on EmComm, all hams, especially those who are looking for an agency to join, are encouraged to participate.