CW Class Begins April 12 in Providence

The Associated Radio Amateurs of Southern New England (W1AQ) will be offering CW classes starting April 21 thru May 26 (6 weeks) on Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. These classes are open to everyone who has a desire to learn code. You need not be an amateur to attend. Space is limited so registration is suggested.These classes will be held at the W1AQ clubhouse at 54 Kelley Ave. E. Prov. RI. Please contact Steven Desmarais, N1IBC at: or at 1-508-642-5582.


ARRL Accepting Centennial Point Challenge and W1AW/WAS Award Applications

The ARRL just opened up the process for obtaining a certificate for the Centennial QSO Points Challenge Award, as well as the W1AW WAS certificate or plaque.  Go here:  Use your LotW username/password to log on, and click on the “Centennial Points Challenge Award” or “W1AW/WAS Award” tabs along the top.

The certificates are $16 each, and the plaque is $60.  The certificates looks something like this:

ARRL Certificates

Please Help with Amateur Radio Parity Act


While NCRC is doing things to rectify this, sadly the demographic of our club is mostly aging hams.  As we get older, we find ourselves making changes to our lifestyle.  Often this involves moving to a townhouse, or into an area that has restrictive covenants that prevent the erection of antennas.

We don’t have to tell you that we are a national resource that is an essential part of our countries emergency response.  But more hams go of the air each year simply because antennas are forbidden where they live.

HR-1301 is an act before the House that would make provide some insulation between restrictive homeowner covenants and hams — it would ensure that accommodations could be made for antennas.

As we all look upon this last winter and dream of warmer locations, keep in mind that all of those popular retirement locations prevent the erection of antennas.  Florida hams have an almost impossible situation, for example.  Please go to for information on how you can help.  This isn’t a solicitation for donations, but a description of the simple steps you can take to help Congress so we can help the nation.

NCRC Meeting Monday March 9 at 7 PM

With what passes for beautiful warm weather to snowbound New Englanders, please be aware that our regular NCRC meeting WILL be held tonight, Monday March 9th, at 7 PM at KVH.

We are delighted that we were able to reschedule our February speaker to tonight.  Rob Vincent, K1DFT, will be giving a presentation on his “Distributed-Load Monopole” antenna design.