A Successful J-Pole Fabrication Night

A dozen or more brave souls assembled dual-band J-poles tonight at KVH.  The process involved fabricating a coax assembly with SMA connector and current balun, as well as an antenna assembly made from 300 ohm twin-lead cut to the appropriate dimensions.  The two assemblies were then soldered together and finished off with some heat-shrink tubing for protection.  Testing after the assembly process indicated a 1.5:1 or lower SWR.

The club wishes to thank Willy W1LY, and Jim KA1ZOU for working diligently to establish the correct dimensions, instructions, and assembly tools, as well as Bob WB4SON for obtaining the parts and kitting them plus installing the SMA connectors.  Several other hams, Jim KC1SD, John WA1ABI, Pete W1LAB, and others were there to help guide the builders in their process.  Finally, the club wishes to thank our host, KVH, which set up multiple assembly benches with solder stations and hand tools for the project.


RJ, Brian, Walt and nine others work on their antennas


Early in the assembly process – Kathryn, Chuck, and Dirmid forging ahead with Willy and Jim observing.



Kathryn tests her antenna with Jim at the controls.  Pete observes, while Jim Kyle talks to the human test fixture (Willy)

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Willy becomes human antenna tower while the J-Pole is tested

NCRC Technican Class Underway

April 30th marked the start of a new set of Technician classes offered by NCRC and graciously hosted by The MET School in Newport.  Eleven people started the class (two more are expected to join in next week), and it is a diverse group of ages (High School students and adults), backgrounds (educators and firefighters).  The exam is currently scheduled for June 11th — just in time to obtain their license for Field Day!

NCRC Meeting Monday April 13 at KVH

Our regular business meeting will be held on Monday April 13th at KVH at 7 PM.  We will be discussing Field Day as well as the upcoming J-Pole construction night.  After the business meeting, there will be three short presentations on remote controlled ham radio (two roll-your-own approaches, and one commercial approach).