Welcome New Members

Two membership applicants were presented to the membership at tonight’s NCRC meeting, and were voted into the club.  NCRC extends its thanks and welcomes:

  • Doug Faunt, N6TQS, (An Oliver-Hazard Perry supporter who normally resides in Oakland CA).
  • James Walsh, unlicensed at the momment, of Middletown, RI

All Saints Academy Selected to move on for ARISS Contact

All Saints Academy was one of fourteen schools and organizations that submitted proposals to host an Amateur Radio contact with the International Space Station (ARISS). They are moving into the final stage of the selection process. Schools or organizations ultimately selected will host a scheduled Amateur Radio contact with an ISS crew member during the first half of 2016.

Congratulations to Mike Cullen for writing a successful proposal, to Rob White for all his efforts with Mike in growing young ASA hams, and to KVH Industries, Newport County Radio Club, RIDOE, FabNewport, and ATC Tech for being event sponsors.

See the official ARRL announcement here:  http://www.arrl.org/news/fourteen-us-schools-groups-on-list-to-host-ham-contacts-with-space-station

NCRC Road Trip for June Meeting!

The June meeting of NCRC will be held at the Museum of Wireless and Steam, on Monday June 8 at 7 PM.  Carpooling is encouraged and folks interested in driving together should meet at the KVH parking lot by 6 PM for the 45 minute trip across the bridge.

There is a $10 entry fee (museum entry is usually $15) and a regular business meeting will be held at the Museum meeting hall, when Bob Marian will start things off.

There will be someone at the Frenchtown RD gate to collect the $10 fee.

Details of this even can be found here:  https://w1sye.org/?tribe_events=museum-of-wireless-and-steam