Regular Club Meeting – 7 PM KVH

We will have our regular club meeting at 7 PM in the KVH Manufacturing building cafeteria.

We will have some preliminary results discussion on Field Day as well as some comments on the recently completed “Safe Refuge 2015 Exercise”, which many NCRC/NCECT members participated in.  Finally there will be a demonstration of how ham radio is used to coordinate various parts of a charity bicycle event.

FD 2015 — It’s a wrap!

Neither rain, nor wind, nor fear of dark kept the unflappable Field Day operators from completing about 3,200 QSOs this year.  Despite some nasty weather than began around 8 PM Saturday, so much water in the tents that that a hand key had to be used because the keyer became too waterlogged, tables with rigs blowing over, and the ever-infallible paper logs almost turning to paper mache, Newport County Radio Club carried on to the bitter end.

Things looked pretty rosy when the antennas were setup Friday afternoon.FD 2015 Panorama Resized

The GOTA Station was the held in a spacious BWT (Big White Tent — should be called a BFHT).FD 2015 GOTA Tent

Several members of the public saw and heard the action and stopped by to participate, including these young operators.RJ GOTA


But the weather wouldn’t hold — by 7 PM Saturday the skies were darkening, and it was lightly raining by 8 PM.  By 4 AM it was gusting around 55 MPH.FD 2015 Weather

By dawn things were still standing, but they had taken a beating.  The CW Beam was now pointing at Africa.  The GOTA Beam was a askew and pointing toward Alaska, and the GOTA tent was cattywampus.FD 2015 Bent

Despite the damp weather it was a great time.  Only 361 days to plan for Field Day 2016!!!

NCRC Constitution and Bylaws Modifyed

At the last meeting of the membership, June 8, 2015, the final reading of the proposed Constitution and Bylaws modifications was made.  The membership then voted to adopt the changes, which add a new membership category (Youth, for under 18 members), having full voting privileges, but a dues rate that is to be “no more than half” the regular dues.

A revised Constitution and Bylaws document will be posted to the member-only part of the website soon.

KA1RCI Portsmouth Node Back On The Air

Steve Hodell, KA1RCI, has returned the KA1RCI Portsmouth RI node back to the air at its normal location.

Special thanks to Brian Swann N1BS, John King WA1ABI, Jeff Lynch WA1VQY, and Roland Daignault N1JOY for all their help with the project to upgrade the 147.075 hardware and get it back on the air.

Note that the repeater is in its “Shake-Down” phase.  Please report any issues to

147.075 + RI Portsmouth KA1RCI 67.0 67.0* Newport 524799
on the air – linked fulltime