First NPOTA Log Uploaded to LotW

Rich Russell (KC1ARO) and Paul Silverzweig (N1PSX) have hiked Northwestern RI on January 7th to put “TR23”, which is part of the Washington – Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail National Scenic Trail, on the air (they were in the Parker Woodland).

They were on the air a bit less than 2.5 hours and worked 236 stations using the callsign N1PSX.

Future NPOTA activations will be announced on the Club Website and will more than likely use the callsign W1SYE (now that we have a LotW account setup, thanks to trustee John Mills).

If you are a LotW user, don’t forget to upload your logbook entries and go to the NPOTA website to check on your “Chaser” credits:

The one for this NPOTA event looks like this: