NCRC Offering Technician Class starting September 16, 2013

NCRC will be offering a second Technician Class starting September 16, 2013 at the American Red Cross facility in Middletown.  Classes will be held on six consecutive Monday nights from 7:00 – 9:30 PM.  An exam will be given on October 28th at 7:00 PM.

The class fee is $10, and the exam fee is $15.

People interested in the class may go to this URL for more details and to signup:


Congratulations to Rob White, KB1ZZU

Rob White, a fairly new member of NCRC, has been a man on a mission.  After completing his Technician class in May, he passed his General about 2 weeks later.  And as of August 1st, he joined the ranks of Extra class hams.

Not only has Rob sought to improve his own skills, but he arranged for the recent Skywarn training in Newport, and is instrumental in setting up the October JotA event for scouts.  Rob is also a member of Newport Ready.

Congratulations Rob !!