Great Results from Foster Tech Class

NCRC’s Technician Class in Foster, RI completed last night.

We had 18 who took the exam. 15 passed with 7 exams having no wrong answers.  The remaining students only missed a few.

One of our students had nothing wrong on all three exams so he is now an extra. Three others including Chief Marsland got their General.

Overall an excellent outcome:  11 Tech, 3 Gen, 1 Extra

Our thanks to Chief Marsland from the Foster Fire Department for sponsoring the class and allowing us to teach there.  Also thanks to the members of the Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club BVARC who helped with the VE exam.


NCRC Spreads Education Outreach to West Bay

NCRC is teaching a class in Foster RI, on the “other” side of the bay, as part of our education outreach program.  The class has 25 students, a mix of regional Fire Chiefs, CERT Team members, and lay people from the NW part of the state and into nearby CT.

This is the largest class ever taught by NCRC, and it proves that there is demand for Amateur Radio Education throughout the state.

AUXCOM Training Available in late September

RIEMA is holding a free AUXCOM training class for licensed hams who have completed the required online Emergency Management Institute training (IS-100.b, IS-200.b, IS-700.a, and IS-800.b).  The class will be held Saturday and Sunday, September 26-27, 2015 at the RIEMA Warehouse from 8 AM to 5 PM. The RIEMA Warehouse is located at 279 Danielson Pike, North Scituate, RI.  The class is limited to 30 students, so sign up early.

You can sign up online here:

You can see more information about the class here.

Initial Review of ARISS Technical Proposal Favorable

ariss_logoThe ARISS Technical Team (Mike K1NPT, Jeff KA1NGP, and Bob WB4SON) presented their initial technical proposal to the ARISS mentor this afternoon and received positive initial feedback.

A couple of tweaks will be required to the equipment list to optimize things (two complete stations must be provided and the RF requirements are pretty high for both the TX and RX paths to ensure a horizon to horizon contact).  Plus the audio/visual details still need development.

The goal is to have the proposal submitted within the next week or so.