Field Day 2023 Poster

Download, print and post  2023FieldDayPoster to let folks know about our annual event at the Glen.  Don’t forget to join us if you can.   Even if you don’t want an operating shift in the Get On The Air tent, we will fit you in.   Or just come and enjoy some time with a friend or antenna.   See the meeting minutes for June if you missed the meeting or want a reminder of the many topics discussed.   GO FIELD DAY!

Time to Get Ready for Field Day*

ARRL Field Day is just over two months away, but like spring cleaning, it pays to start getting ready now.

2023 Field Day will be held June 24 – 25. It is ham radio’s open house. Every June, hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to communities and the nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Some participants may also choose to operate from home, using the exercise to develop and practice their personal radio communications capability.

Field Day has been an annual event since 1933 and remains the most popular event in ham radio.

In 2022, 4,929 entries were submitted (including check logs), and there was a total of 29,679 reported participants.

Field Day is open to all amateurs in the areas covered by the ARRL/RAC Field Organizations and countries within IARU Region 2. DX stations residing in other regions may be contacted for credit and may submit entries as check logs.

The main focus of Field Day is to work as many stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-, 15-, and 10-meter HF bands, all bands on 50 MHz and above, and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less-than-optimal conditions. A premium is placed on developing skills to meet the challenges of emergency preparedness and acquaint the general public with the capabilities of amateur radio.

For Field Day 2023, several rules changes have been made. It’s a good idea to make sure that your logging software has been updated to the most current version to incorporate these rule changes including the updated Canadian sections list. There are many facets to operating on Field Day and knowing the rules and keeping good logs are paramount to successful contacts.

To start preparing for Field Day, check out for the official rules and all the information you’ll need.

Newport County Radio Club will again participate as W1SYE 2A RI from Glen Park in Portsmouth, RI.

For more information on how to participate with NCRC contact: Dick Bianco

* from: The ARRL Letter for April 6, 2023

Willy W1LY Featured in The Jamestown Press

Willy W1LY was featured on page 11 of the February 9th edition of The Jamestown Press, in a nice story that described his entry into the hobby, as well as the club’s activities during JOTA, WFD and SFD.  Our thanks to The Jamestown Press, and of course to Willy, a tireless member of our club who represents the best of what Amateur Radio is all about!

To see the entire article, please click on this link: W1LY & WFD

In-person meeting Mon July 11, 7PM, at St Barnabas

We are happy to announce that our next NCRC meeting will be IN-PERSON.  It will be at St. Barnabas, in the parish hall, beginning at 7 PM on Monday July 11th.  This will be a hybrid meeting, so folks that can’t attend in person can join in via Zoom.  Your invitation will be arriving via email soon.

St Barnabas is located at 1697 East Main RD, in Portsmouth RI.  The church faces East Main, and the parish hall is located in back of the church.  See the map below.

We will have a short business meeting, vote on new members, and discuss the preliminary results from Field Day (Formal results don’t come out until November).  But mostly, this is an opportunity to meet your fellow members and socialize.

Time for a road trip!

NCRC Places 3rd Nationally in Field Day 2021

Every Field Day has its challenges.  Last year (2020), due to the pandemic, there really wasn’t a Field Day.  This year was a big improvement, but a shortage of CW operators really hurt, and participation was down as COVID surged yet again.

Nevertheless, Newport County Radio Club, was in the 3rd place NATIONALLY for its Field Day operation in Category 2A (the most competitive).  Hats of to Willy W1LY who did an outstanding job getting the antennas up, Nancy KC1NEK who coordinated the schedules, Paul K1YBE who did an outstanding job with the GOTA station, John Mills who took care of our logging and computers, as well as many others who operated or helped setup the stations or take them down.